
Plus Scharendijke

Right next to Park Zeeland Village is the big plus with a bakery shop, fruit and vegetable department with good offers. When it comes to meat, some items are offered with the “Beter Leven” quality seal with three stars. My personal favorite is the orange juice fresh from the orange squeezer. The Plus is open 7 days a week.

Fleisch von Boot .

The Boot family business offers excellent quality meat at reasonable prices.

Viswinkel de Heerenkeet

On the way to Zierikzee you will pass a fish shop that guarantees fresh fish.

Sehr zu empfehlen ist auch die fertige einfache Fischsuppe mit viel Fisch und Muscheln oder die klare Hummersuppe.

De Mekkerstee

In the north of Ouddorp there is a farmers' market with a focus on goat and cow cheese. Take your children with you when shopping, they will love it. In addition to the opportunity to visit the stables, there is also a playground.

Schon mal Ziegeneis probiert? Schmeckt überraschend gut.

Koetshuysch Kaas

Of course, you can also buy cheese in Zierikzee in the friendly cheese shop “Koetshuysch Kaas”.

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